Anil Kripalani headshot
Anil Kripalani

Anil Kripalani serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Don Norman Design Award & Summit. He has overseen the establishment of this 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is responsible for managing its operations. He is actively involved in outreach to supporters and global philanthropic groups.

In 2019-2020, Anil helped revive SoCalEED, a non-profit, now called The Entrepreneur Academy, based in San Diego.

Anil has forty seven years of experience in the mobile cellular and Data Networking industries. Earlier, Anil Kripalani was President of WirefreeCom, a consulting practice. He served as Advisor to CxOs of communications technologies/services businesses. From 1994-2007, Anil was SVP at Qualcomm, responsible at different times for global technology marketing, network engineering, business development and management of Qualcomm’s international offices, and as a corporate spokesperson, interacting with CxOs, government officials, analysts and media.

From 1976-1994, Anil was at AT&T Bell Laboratories, last serving as Department Head. He led development of AT&T’s cellular infrastructure. Earlier, he was services architect for AT&T’s nationwide Net1000 data network.

He served on many Boards, including TIA, EIA, OMA, IEEE VTS, USC’s Marshall School CTM. He served on the San Diego Symphony Board and continues active support of the TiE entrepreneur organization.

Anil’s education includes an M.S.(CS) from UCLA, B.Tech.(EE) from IIT Delhi, and executive programs at Duke University Business School, and at Columbia Business School.

He and his wife Vera endowed the Kripalani Applied Technology Lab at IIT Delhi.
