Who is eligible?

The DNDA competition is open to any Early Career Practitioner group working on a Humanity-Centered Project, as defined on our website, or any educational group, whether formal or informal, that trains people to perform these activities. All entries must be able to provide evidence of accomplishment. In the case of projects, a before and after comparison and for education, graduates who are now working in Humanity-Centered Design activities..

Submission Guidelines

Entrants must submit their work online. Supporting images must not exceed 4MB per file and be minimum 1000 pixels on the longest side. Images must be saved as JPEGs (.jpg, .jpeg) or PNGs (.png). One video 2-3 minutes long saves as .mp4 format 720p.

How is an Early Career group defined?

Early career means that this is among the first three projects attempted by most of the group members (one member may have more experience). The ages of group members are irrelevant. No age is too young or too old. We only care about years of experience in doing H+CD projects: the award is restricted to people just starting out: people early in their H+CD Career.

Who is considered professional?

Designers who earn, or have earned, the majority of their income from design.

Entry Forms and Submissions

All entries must be submitted through our online forms. Otherwise, the information does not get into our database. Moreover, the system will not accept any form that has not answered all the questions. If anyone has difficulty submitting their application online, please contact info@dnda.design.

Use and Ownership of Materials

Copyright and all other rights remain with the designer. Any images used by DNDA shall carry the designer’s credit line. DNDA may use images in any media sponsor publications. All entrants understand that any image submitted to the competition may be used by DNDA for marketing and promotional purposes including in any medium such as exhibitions, print, and digital media directly related to the DNDA competition though there may not be monetary compensation.

Neither the Don Norman Design Awards affiliates, or partners assume any responsibility for materials submitted in violation of competition rules or for those which violate copyright regulations. DNDA will investigate claims of copyright infringement to the best of its ability, and will remove and disqualify submissions that are clearly demonstrated to violate copyright and/or competition policies. DNDA will act to maintain the integrity of the competition and its affiliated entities, but is not responsible for any damages resulting from images submitted in violation with rules and regulations.

The Selection Process

After the closing date for Qualifying Applications for projects, no more applications will be permitted. The DNDA jury will select applicants who are eligible to submit a FULL application. All Applicants will be informed of their status as soon as the jurors have made their decisions.

After the closing date for FULL applications from both porjetcts and education, no more applications will be permitted. The DNDA jury will the select winners of the project section of the program and decide upon which education groups meet the requirements. The number of project winners is restricted: there is no limit to the number of education groups that are certified.

All winning entrants will receive the DNDA Winner’s logo, and are entitled to use it for commercial purposes to promote their winnings. Receiving an DNDA award is not only a significant achievement in design, but also ensures that the award winners will receive promotional material to publicize their achievements.

We Have No Obligation to Adjudicate IP Claims

Claimants and users must understand that we are not an intellectual property tribunal. While we and our Designated Copyright Agent may in our discretion use the information provided in order to decide how to respond to infringement claims, we are not responsible for determining the merits of such claims. If a user responds to a claim of infringement by providing assurances that its content is not infringing, the user agrees that if we thereafter restore or maintain the content, the user will defend and hold us harmless from any resulting claims of infringement brought against us and our Designated Copyright Agent.

Notice of Breach of Security

If a security breach causes an unauthorized intrusion into our system that materially affects your information, then we will notify you as soon as possible and later report the action we took in response.

Do-Not-Track Procedures

Note that any Do-Not-Track instructions from your browser or similar mechanism will not affect our collection of the data that you voluntarily provide to us through such means as browsing our website, signing up for any of the services, or entering personal information on our website.

Your Consent

We encourage you to review our privacy policy often to stay informed of changes that may affect you, as your continued use of our website and/or receipt of notifications after opting-in signifies your consent to be bound by this privacy policy. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.