Universidad de San Andrés, Bachelors degree in Design (Licenciatura en Diseño)

Our program, the first of its kind in Argentina, offers a broad, interdisciplinary approach to design rather than specializing in a specific field like industrial or graphic design. It emphasizes Humanity-Centered Design, fostering innovation that positively impacts people, communities, non-humans, and the environment. The Final Project Studio collaborates with diverse partners, including cultural institutions like MALBA Museum, public entities like the Buenos Aires City Government, NGOs like Médecins Sans Frontières, and social enterprises like the urban recycling cooperative Creando Conciencia. Our graduates contribute to public innovation initiatives, with some working in the Buenos Aires City Government to enhance service delivery in community health centers and hospitals. Alumni-led projects like La Diseñería promote systemic design thinking in the broader community.
UdeSA promotes diversity and inclusivity, with 55% of university students receiving financial assistance from 22 Argentinian provinces. The Design School conducts outreach in Greater Buenos Aires high schools, using workshops with the motto "Design is not what you see, design is how you change it" to attract students passionate about using design for positive change. The program is supported by 54 instructors who are both practitioners and educators, bringing diverse experiences from public, private, and non-profit sectors. Our curriculum uniquely exposes students to courses from other disciplines, fostering truly interdisciplinary thinking. Sustainability is integrated throughout, from early biomaterial exploration to advanced systemic thinking studios. Overall, UdeSA 's Design program is distinguished by its diverse and experienced faculty, combining academic rigor with real-world expertise to deliver a comprehensive education in design.