The User Experience Centre of Singapore Polytechnic's Industry & Partnership

The User Experience Centre’s (UXC) framework has evolved from a focus on Human-Centered Innovation to Humanity-Centered Innovation, reflecting an expansion towards addressing societal needs and promoting human values. This transition signifies a shift from merely designing for individuals to designing for humanity as a whole, encompassing ethical considerations, social responsibility, and global impact. Our perspective is long-term and systemic, understanding that the most significant implications on society and the environment may only surface years later.


In 2012, all lecturers for the Sustainable Innovation Project received Design Thinking training during onboarding, with additional customized training for the Learning Express Programme over three days. Instructors, facilitators, and industry practitioners involved in the program are carefully selected based on their expertise, experience, and ability to effectively teach and mentor both students and adult learners. They undergo an interview process to assess their capabilities.

Student selection for different learning platforms varies: the Sustainable Innovation Project is a required institutional module, while the Overseas Transdisciplinary Innovation Project Experience is an elective for second- and third-year students, chosen based on interest. The Learning Express Programme also operates on student interest, currently with a subscription rate of 1.4 times.

Students from all faculties participate, embracing a multi-disciplinary approach that is integral to Design Thinking and Humanity-Centered Innovation projects. This diversity fosters a rich learning environment, allowing students to benefit from various perspectives and industry insights. The program ensures students receive guidance from seasoned professionals who bring real-world knowledge and expertise into the classroom, promoting collaboration and sustainable solutions for the community.


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